Easy Korean Recipes

Easy Korean Recipes

May 15, 2018 0 Comments

Cooking Korean food can be daunting if you are a beginner, but there are some easy recipes to help you get started on your journey to become a culinary master of this interesting culture’s cuisine. I will be using recipes from Maangchi.com as she has detailed instructions AND videos that show you how to appropriately cook the dishes. Here are the four dishes I think qualify as easy Korean recipes:


1. Potato and soy sauce dish (감자조림)

This side dish is also known as 감자 조림 (gam-ja jo-rim). All you need to cook it is potatoes, soy sauce, onion, garlic, corn syrup, sugar, and water. You can find the recipe here.


2. Green Onion Pancake (파전)

Known as Pajeon in Korean, pancakes are a very popular dish in Korea. It can be eaten by itself or with other sides, and can be filled with things like seafood, beef, fish, and in this case, green onion. You need green onions, flour, water, soybean paste, sugar, and vegetable oil to cook a green onion pancake.


3. Korean Ramen

In this Korean version of Japanese ramen, all you need is a pack of instant ramen, water, eggs, and green onions. This dish is flavorful while staying simple and true to the purpose of instant ramen. Find the recipe here.


4. Kimchi Fried Rice (김치볶음밥)

Not everyone is a fan of kimchi. It’s basically cabbage fermented in a spicy sauce. But if you do enjoy the taste of kimchi, you’ll definitely like kimchi fried rice. You will need kimchi, steamed rice, water, red pepper paste, kimchi sauce, dried seaweed, and a variety of oils to cook this dish.

