When my friend invited me to watch Frankenstein in musical form, I was a little skeptical. I’ve only seen play renditions of the classic, and the original Korean adaptation strays even further by changing some of the plot points. Although it was a little strange, it was definitely worth the money and the musical definitely deserves all of the awards it’s earned.
The musical is currently being shown until the middle of March at Chungmu Art Hall. The show was sold out because it’s currently Lunar New Year and everyone is on holiday, but my friend managed to get us great seats in the 9th row. I was a little confused in some parts due to my lack of Korean skills AND the change in plot, but my friend filled in the gaps for me afterward. Even without her explanation, there is a clear beginning, middle, and end; even those completely unfamiliar with Korean will be able to follow. The musical also featured a live orchestra! That may not be rare in other places, but I don’t think it’s common for other musicals here.
Park Eun tae and Jeon Dong suk played The Monster and Victor respectively in the show I saw today. They are both solid performers and have great chemistry together on stage. My friend told me that they usually greet fans after the show and Park Eun Tae usually gives everyone autographs. Unfortunately, neither one stayed long because of the increased attendance. I did manage to get a picture of the actor who portrayed Victor, though!
I would definitely recommend this musical to anyone who’s a fan of the story or musicals in general. The ensemble is talented and the featured orchestra is great. Definitely go see it if you have the chance!